Many people know the effect that drunk driving charges can have on their freedom and their finances, but it is also important to consider how a conviction could change your relationships. The penalties imposed by the court after a driving under the influence (DUI) charge will also impact the people closest to you. This is especially true for your spouse.

What marital challenges might you face in the aftermath of a DUI conviction?

1. License suspensions may leave you dependent on your spouse for transportation.

In South Carolina, even a first DUI conviction will lead to a six-month suspension of your license. Further convictions could lead to the loss of your license for years or even a permanent revocation. While you may be able to apply for a hardship license, many people rely on their spouse’s support to get to work, run errands, travel to see family and make other important trips. This can make your spouse’s schedule significantly more complex and more stressful to manage.

2. Fines can significantly impact your family’s budget.

Many families rely on careful budgeting to manage their daily expenses and save for the future. Unfortunately, the fines and fees related to a DUI can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars, putting strain on that budget and potentially leaving you with no choice but to draw from your savings. Financial issues like this can cause stress and fighting, and disagreements about money could do irreparable damage to your marriage.

One of the most important steps you can take after being charged with drunk driving is to speak to an attorney. They can help you explore options that might protect your freedom and your relationship with your loved ones from the impact of a conviction.