Facing DUI Charges? We Can Help

Experienced DUI Defense By A Former Prosecutor

DUI charges can happen to anyone who has had an alcoholic beverage and then drives a motor vehicle. It is against the law to operate a vehicle if your blood alcohol content is over the .08 percent legal limit, or you are driving under the influence of drugs, including prescription drugs. If the driver is under the legal drinking age, the case is more complicated. Someone who flees the scene of an accident while under the influence of drugs or alcohol faces additional charges.

At The Law Offices of Marion M. Moses, LLC, we handle all kinds of driving under the influence (DUI) cases in Columbia, Lexington and throughout South Carolina.

How Can An Attorney Help Fight A DUI Charge?

When you are facing a drunk driving charge, you are required to plead either guilty or not guilty. If you choose to plead not guilty, it’s in your best interest to be represented by a lawyer experienced with handling DUI charges. The DUI laws in South Carolina are complicated and mandate that law enforcement officers follow specific procedures while making an arrest. Legal statutes require that these procedures be performed accordingly to protect your constitutional and civil rights.

When an arresting officer does not follow the procedures correctly, your charge may be reduced or dismissed. As a former state attorney who has prosecuted DUI cases, attorney Moses has more than 18 years of experience with the DUI penalties and statutes. Our firm can review your charges for irregularities and vigorously represent you in court.

As your DUI attorney, the first step Mr. Moses takes is to review your police report. If you took a chemical or Breathalyzer® test, we review the results. We also talk with you and any witnesses to your stop by a law enforcement officer, such as any passengers who may have been in your vehicle at the time. We then develop a defense and represent you in any hearings, court appearances or communications with the court and prosecutors.

And if you are not a South Carolina resident but have been charged with DUI while driving in the state, we can also provide out-of-state representation.

Representing Many Types Of DUI Matters

At The Law Offices of Marion M. Moses, LLC, we have handled a wide range of DUI-related matters, including:

  • Driving under the influence (DUI)
  • Driving with an unlawful alcohol concentration (DUAC)
  • Felony driving under the influence
  • Administrative hearings (implied consent hearings regarding driver’s license suspension)
  • Alcohol and drug safety action program (ADSAP) application
  • Temporary alcohol-restricted licenses
  • Route-restricted licenses
  • Provisional licenses
  • Standardized field sobriety test evaluations
  • Data-Master test evaluations (commonly referred as the Breathalyzer® test)
  • Roadside video evaluations
  • Data-Master test video evaluations

Call Us Today About Your DUI Case

Do not let an unjustified DUI charge threaten your future. Contact our Columbia office via an online message or call our office at 803-771-7011 to schedule a free initial consultation about your case. We serve clients throughout South Carolina.