DUI Penalties & Consequences in South Carolina

A Charge For Driving Under The Influence Can Ruin Your Future

No one intends to get arrested for drunk driving, but sometimes a simple good time with friends can result in an arrest that threatens your future and livelihood. The penalties for DUI can be severe in South Carolina. The loss of your license and a conviction that appears on your background check can drastically affect your employment opportunities. Don’t let this happen to you.

The Law Offices of Marion M. Moses, LLC, provides legal defense services to South Carolinians and out-of-state residents accused of driving under the influence. We are adept at having penalties reduced or dismissed.

What Are The Consequences Of A DUI Conviction?

An arrest for DUI can cause major hardships. The fines can be high and a conviction could result in the suspension of your license. Recovery of your driving privileges can take time. Relying on others or on public transportation after losing your license can cause inconvenience and additional costs. And if you’re convicted of a DUI following an accident, you may be liable to additional criminal charges and lawsuits.

Before trying to handle a DUI case on your own, we strongly encourage you to speak to The Law Offices of Marion M. Moses, LLC, regarding your situation. We are experienced in handling drunk driving and traffic violation cases and can advise you about your rights and options. We defend clients throughout South Carolina.

What Are The Penalties For Repeat Drunk Driving Offenses In South Carolina?

The law holds severe penalties for repeat drunk driving offenders. However, the law is constantly changing as it pertains to DUI offenses and penalties. The Law Office of Marion M. Moses, LLC, continues to stay informed of current legislation and changing laws.

If you have been convicted of DUI in the past and are facing an additional charge, consulting with The Law Offices of Marion M. Moses, LLC, is in your best interest. We are experienced at defending clients accused of drunk driving and work hard to keep your record clean.

Dealing With License Suspension

Your driver license can be suspended following a DUI or drunk driving arrest, even if you have not yet had a hearing. A refusal to take a requested Breathalyzer® test results in an automatic suspension of your license. In many cases, we can help you recover your license prior to having to serve the full suspension period. Attorney Moses is experienced with handling DUI cases and can help determine if the circumstances of your case may justify early license recovery. Driver license suspension issues are time sensitive from the date of an arrest. If the suspension is not challenged within the appropriate amount of time, the ability to challenge the suspension may be lost.

Call Us Today To Discuss Your DUI Penalties

Do not let severe DUI penalties threaten your future and your livelihood. At The Law Offices of Marion M. Moses, LLC, we help our clients deal with these serious charges and avoid high penalties. Contact us online today or call us at 803-771-7011 to schedule a free initial consultation about your case.